
员工——教职员工和学生——的薪酬占最大比例 校园开支预算的组成部分.  

的 processes and management of employee positions and compensation funding vary across 的分歧. 请与您所在部门的资源管理团队联系以获取更多信息 关于他们的职位管理流程.


Employees' salaries, wages, and benefits represent over three-fourths of the CSU Operating 基金预算. 各部门分配了支出预算,以支持员工薪酬 成本. 


At the beginning of each fiscal year, salary budgets are updated to account for all 根据提交的职位清单报告,确定已填补和空缺的职位 预算规划办公室的下属部门 & 财务管理. 职位列表 should be maintained throughout the year to track approved positions and monitor the 分配给每个职位的预算. 

一般来说,所有常设职位都要为整个财政年度编制预算.  Anticipated budget savings for vacancies may be allowed subject to approval or direction 通过预算规划办公室从校园领导那里获得 & 财务管理.


基社盟受与雇员工会达成的协议条款的约束. 集体 Bargaining Agreements (CBA) may be viewed 在线 from the CSU Labor and Employee Relations 网站. 这些协议可能包括协商提高员工薪酬.  

Some common types of compensation increases include General Salary Increases (GSI), 一个-time bonuses/stipends such as Long-Term Satisfactory Service Bonus (LTSS), 教育al Achievement Stipend, 预算 Shortfall Mitigation Bonus (BSM), and Rural Health Stipends.

加州州立大学可能会也可能不会从加州获得全额资助 集体谈判协议造成的薪金调整费用. 当 possible, the CSU allocates funding for compensation to the campuses to cover unit-wide 成本上升. 这笔资金最初可能作为一次性资金提供给校园, 在接下来的一年里获得基础资金. 在资金允许的范围内,大学 will allocate additional budget to Divisions to cover the cost of unit-wide 成本上升 (薪金及福利).

Compensation increases provided outside of the 集体 Bargaining Agreements typically 反映校园管理人员的决定. 这种调整不是由 州政府、科罗拉多州立大学或中央大学的预算. 例子包括教职员工的晋升, 分类范围内的进展、重新分类和重新分配. 部门 need to coordinate with the Division resource management to ensure funding is available for proposed department-initiated salary actions before submitting an action request 致大学人事.


为 the CSU营运基金, the university maintains a centralized Benefits Pool which 用于支付与基社组业务基金的职位有关的福利费用. 的 福利资金集中存放在保险池中,按月分配 每月人工成本分配时收取的实际效益成本.

As adjustments to the position listing and salaries budget are made, corresponding 还对福利池进行了调整,以跟上未来成本的步伐. 在最近 多年来,福利成本大约是工资成本的50%.


为 positions supported by the Student Success, Excellence, and Technology Fee (SSETF), 预算程序与基社盟运营基金类似. 请提供职位清单, funding is allocated when possible to cover unit-wide employee 成本上升, and a central Benefits Pool exists to allocate budget monthly to cover employee benefit 成本. SSETF对员工奖金有额外的限制. 部门 asked to coordinate with the Division resource management to ensure funding is available for proposed department-initiated salary actions before submitting a request to University 人员.


为 other self-support enterprise units and trust funds, all compensation 成本 and 调整的资金来自该计划的资源. 最大的自营企业 units are required to submit an annual business plan which includes an employee position 清单和多年的工资和福利预算. 更多的细节可以找到 在线 或在每年的计划提交呼吁,由办公室分发 预算计划 & 每年春季财务管理.


像基社盟运营基金一样,在每一个财政年度开始时,进行工资预算 are updated to account for all active filled and vacant positions based on position 列出各部门向预算规划办公室提交的报告 & 金融 管理.  职位列表应保持全年跟踪 批准职位并监督分配给每个职位的预算. 

一般来说,所有常设职位都要为整个财政年度编制预算.  Anticipated budget savings for vacancies may be allowed subject to approval or direction 通过预算规划办公室从校园领导那里获得 & 财务管理.

In the case of self-support units, departments should include any anticipated compensation 预算提交增加.  这种调整的规划参数是 包括在年度商业计划提交呼吁中.  节目须遵守 the most current 集体 Bargaining Agreement terms and associated 成本上升.


的 average benefits rate as a percentage of salaries and wage 成本 varies across 单位的自养和信托基金根据工资水平、单位福利和 员工选举. 自养单位和信托基金应编列福利费用预算 based on the historical benefit rates for the program, accounting for expected increases 与工资调整和其他福利率相关,特别是雇主支付 退休费用和医疗保险费. 



联邦工作研究 is a type of student financial aid award that allows students to apply for part-time 根据他们的经济需要,工作学习职位. 联邦政府提供 a grant (70%) and there is a department matching comp一个nt (30%), which make up the 部门工作学习预算总额. 联邦工作研究必须由预算和支付 资金70000.



  • 校园雇主(各部门.)
  • On-Off Campus employers (Student Union, University 住房 服务, 研究基金会, 塔楼基础等.)
  • 校外用人单位(学区、市县政府等.)


的re is NO automatic correlation between the student federal work study awards in your department and your department federal work study budget (account code 602XXX) 在上海大学的运作基金中.


At the beginning of each fiscal year, the 财政援助和奖学金办公室 provides 预算办公室 & 财务管理与联邦工作研究分配金额 每一分区. 基本预算通常是根据历史安排分配的; and any divisional requests for an increase in budget allocation should be sent to 财政援助 & 春季学期奖学金办公室. 预算 & 金融 管理 adjusts the divisional budget based on the amounts provided by the 金融 援助和奖学金办公室.

预算 & 财务管理部门也会从每个部门转移30%的匹配要求 division’s operating expense budget into the work study account if it isn’t included 作为基本预算. 校内和校外机构的勤工俭学分配 都送到会计处了吗. 处理校内和校外的工资单 through the university payroll system and off campus payrolls are processed by agencies’ 工资系统. 然后这些代理机构会收到大学的报销 联邦部分. 请联系 会计服务 查阅有关搬家工作、学习费用及办理校内外手续的资料 并为校外机构和辅助机构工作学习.

在年中,预算 & 财务管理审查联邦工作学习费用和 可以重新分配预算吗. 因为联邦勤工俭学基金有限,任何盈余 balances of the 70% grant budget are reallocated to divisions who request more funds. 的 30% matching portion returns back to divisions who are projecting a surplus, and divisions who received a portion of the reallocated grant funds allocate the additional 30%的运营费用用于联邦工作学习. 预算 & 金融 管理层与各部门协调所有这些活动. 

It is the responsibility of the departments and agencies to manage their student work 每个财政年度的奖学金和联邦工作研究预算. 部门必须 fund all overruns, often by processing 人力资源费用调整 to charge overruns as 学生助理薪资费用.

在年终,一个类似的重新分配过程发生. 如果你有任何问题 联邦工作研究预算程序 菠菜网lol正规平台.

为 additional information about 联邦工作研究 from a student-award perspective, 参观 财政援助和奖学金办公室 网站.



Reimbursed Time: 人员 time (typically faculty time) that is reimbursed by a third 派对,通常是研究或塔基金会.

发还时间授权(RTA): the RTA form is initiated by the Foundation and defines the term, reimbursed increment (e.g., 0.20 =一学期一门课程),资金来源和其他信息 关于报销的原因. 该表单还收集所有必要的授权.


Once an RTA is fully signed, the initiating Foundation will send a copy to 菠菜网lol正规平台 Accounting. RTA作为“发票请求”,将用于生成发票 人事报销基金.

当账单生成时,学分将被发送到负责服务的菠菜网lol正规平台部门 作为报销. 两笔贷项将发:账户601817反映报销 for academic salary 成本, and account 603810 reflects the reimbursement for benefits 成本. 工资贷记代表部门现在可获得的授权金额 to hire temp faculty to cover the courses not being taught be the faculty on release 时间是谁在做他们的研究项目.


在下图中,斯巴达研究部门收到了14,618美元.工资报销40美元 和4459美元.给杰森教授的福利报销. 杰森教授 working on sponsored research (she has a grant), and the grant pays 20% of her salary 这一年. 处理RTA以偿还斯巴达研究的同等金额 到秋天一门课,春天一门课.20学年).

一旦RTA被处理,报销金额就会转到实际情况栏. 为 transactions in 资金70000, 预算 entries are made to match the amounts in the Actuals 通过月薪列分配流程. 基金78005及 78006,中央补偿池不会有任何预算调整.


斯巴达研究部门现在有权聘请教师来讲授 courses normally taught by Professor Jesson in fall and spring while she is working 关于她的研究项目.